Hello, I'm Till Richter

TUM MSc Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence

Manage&More Scholar

Background in Tech and Business,
Passion for Machine Learning

Current Projects

Guided Research

What I do

For application in safety-relevant and sensible fields, AI need to be trustworthy. To achieve that goal, interpretable ML models are required, that report how their prediction is performed and how certain they are. In summersemester 2020 I conducted research on uncertainty estimation of machine learning models. With the inspriring and motivating guidance of Dr. Shadi Albarqouni and Agnieszka Tomczak, I explore the novel field of labels uncertainty within an extensive study of epistemic, aleatoric and Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) uncertainty.

What I learn

  • Independent research work
  • Work towards a grand vision
  • What is my drive for work?


What I do

The Manage&More program of the UnternehmerTUM aims to qualify entrepreneurial talents for their ongoing professional career. Each semester 20 particularly motivated students are selected for this 18-month program. The scholarship holders develop themselves on a personal and professional level throughout innovative project work, workshops, coachings and mentoring, in order to take future responsibilities as founders or executives.

What I learn

  • Innovator's and Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Projects with highly talented people
  • Business Design, Design Thinking, Agile Methods


2019 | Machine Learning Lab

What I did

Graphs are a ubiquitous structure, that can be detected in social, scientific and IT applications, to name only a few. In wintersemester 2019 I conducted research on a central problem in graph theory. As graphs become larger, applying machine learning models on them becomes intractable. Thus, embedding techniques are required to capture a graph's or a node's characteristics in lower dimensional space. In the course of the Machine Learning Lab Course of TUM's Data Analytics and Machine Learning Group, I conducted a survey on node embeddings together with my great teammates Jan and Christos and inspiringly supervised by Oleksandr Shchur. Our key findings can be reviewed on our poster.

What I learned

  • Machine Learning Research
  • Large Scale Software Project
  • Work in a Scientific Community
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2019 | scio

What I did

I was a member of the Think.Make.Start Batch #9, where groups of selected students develop prototypes within 10 days. My team developed scio, a legal-tech startup which works with natural language processing on legal documents. Due to positive feedback and our intrinsic motivation we all are continuing to develop.

What I learned

  • Innovator's and Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Projects with highly talented people
  • Business Design, Design Thinking, Agile Methods
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2018 | Winner HackaTUM, AID Challenge

What I did

At the hackathon my team and I chose to develop a prototype for autonomous taxis to be called without the necessity of app-usage. The project was primarily set against the background of the democratisation of modern technologies. For example, elderly people who are not familiar with apps should not be excluded from mobility. We implemented a hailing detection into a small framework for taxi-communication (Visit our project on Devpost)

What I learned

  • Teamwork in a diverse team
  • Communication between experts, focussing and redeveloping our vision
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2017-2018 | Medical iDENTity

What I did

In my last year of the bachelor‘s I did an internship together with my bachelor‘s thesis at Medical iDENTity, a spin-off of the IRT in Hannover, lead by Prof. Dr. Haddadin. In my thesis I worked on the Panda light weight robot by Franka Emika, which the startup aims to implement into working spaces together with humans. Thus, many aspects about safe human-robot collaboration, but also the desired work were considered. Furthermore, I conducted business related research for the startups strategic alignment. This was my first real touch with artificial intelligence, which definitely shaped my academic career.

What I learned

  • ROS, Python programming on the LWR Panda by Franka Emika
  • Business related research in startup environment
  • Working towards a common vision, safe human-robot collaboration
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2015-2018 | VWI

What I did

During my bachelor‘s I was an active member of the German Association for Industrial Engineers (VWI e.V.), where I took part in diverse workshops, excursions and many different events. In my last year, 2017-2018, I took the responsibility to become a member of our initiative‘s managing board, where I particularly lead its communication.

What I learned

  • Leadership for the student initiative and for ourselves
  • Organization for our projects and my responsibilities
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Academic Career
SS 2019 - TODAY Manage&More The Entrepreneurship Scholarship at UnternehmerTUM
2018 - TODAY Technical University of Munich MSc. Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence
WS 2017 Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) Erasmus Exchange
2015 - 2018 Leibniz Universität Hannover BSc. Engineering and Business Administration, Specialization: Digitization & Automation
2007 - 2015 Gymnasium St. Ursula School Hannover Graduation: Abitur (1.2)
Career and Social Engagement
04.2020 - TODAY DAML, TUM Tutor for Machine Learning for Graphs and Sequential Data
10.2019 - 02.2020 UnternehmerTUM & LOEWI Business Innovation Project for LOEWI
05.2019 - 09.2019 BMW Group Working Student Autonomous Driving
04.2019 - 09.2019 scio Co-Founder of the Legal-Tech Startup scio
12.2017 - 07.2018 Medical iDENTity GmbH Intern, Bachelor's Thesis
10.2016 - 08.2018 Leibniz Universität Hannover Tutor in Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Mechanics
12.2015 - 10.2018 VWI Hannover (Student Inititative) Member of the Managing Board in 2017/18
03.2013 - 10.2016 SHP Ingenieure Student Assistant
Knowledge & Skills
  • German: Native
  • Spanish: Basic (A2-B1)
  • English: Fluently (C1)
    • Erasmus Exchange 2017, Sweden
    • Language Course 2011, GB
    • TOEFL ibT: 102 points
  • Profound: Python, Matlab, MS Office, VBA
  • Basic: C, C++, JAVA, HTML5
  • Specialized Software: PyTorch, Tensorflow, Dymola, GAMS, Markstrat, ARIS